After spending quite a few hours on research, talking about permits,
different ‘monumental categories’ and of course drinking coffee,
we have a bunch of solar panels on the roof of the Nieuwland.
The revenue that they will generate -solar panels are financially
speaking very lucrative in the long run- will be distributed among
the different users of the building.
Anyone interested in the process,
please ask around!

Friday, 21st November: At exactly 10:58h, on behalf of Soweto woningbouwvereniging, board members Carla and Clemens signed the contract that makes us the proud owner of our first building.
It was an exciting moment at our notary’s office, waiting for the bank’s notary to approve. After having signed all necessary papers, it only slowly emerged to us that we just purchased the Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93-95.
The work is far from being over – however, thanks to a first installment from the bank together with all other support, we managed to acquire the building – a huge achievement!
Next steps are to continue working on more funding in order to rebuild the house. Parallel to that we are already preparing for the renovation work – updates about tools, plans and lots of volunteers will follow soon. And, there will be a party…tbc

Open Day Pieter Nieuwlandstraat
Saturday, 13 December, 2014 – 14:00 to 20:00
Come and visit the newly purchased building, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93-95.
14:00: tours and getting to know the space
15:00: Dolan Jones and friends
16:00: Magical History Tour
17:00: talks on Soweto and the public space
19:00: Beatzers

Monday, 8 December, 2014 – 10:00
Beginning of december the official rebuilding work started. All volunteers, future volunteers, and interested people are warmly welcome to be part of the ‘zelfwerkzamheid’.

Soweto needs a lot of money in order to purchase and rebuild the Pieter Nieuwlandstraat. That’s why we initiated a campaign to raise 200.000 Euros in bonds and donations.
That amount of own capital will enable us, together with a mortgage from the bank, to guarantee the purchase. This is how everybody could help:
• Become a member:
Members contribute to the purchase and development of the association by paying an annual membership fee. Next to that its members’ involvement is essential to Soweto. Only with support of our members can we work towards our vision.
• Donate:
Donations are a special act of solidarity. We are deeply grateful to all donors!
• How to donate:
Soweto members can lend the association money for the purchase and renovation of houses. The annual member meeting is fixing the interest per year. That way our members can also become financially involved in the projects. If you’d like to give a loan, please contact us.
Woningbouwvereniging Soweto
IBAN: NL06 TRIO 0786 6799 21
KvK-nummer 34278166