
NieuwLand is a community project combining a living collective, workplaces and a social-political neighbourhood centre in Dapperbuurt, Amsterdam Oost. We host non-commercial, volunteer-run activities based on solidarity and self-organisation. Discover the collectives that are part of NieuwLand!


The public space at NieuwLand is co-managed by residents, neighbors, and collectives. We organize and host a variety of activities, both regular and one-off, that are always non-commercial, socially engaged, and community-focused.

Are you looking for a space to host a meeting, workshop, reading group, film screening, game night, acoustic performance or something else? Check out the information in this section to get an idea what is possible!

One key feature: you can easily check our availability through this NieuwLand Calendar. For details on the four spaces available for public or external activities, visit: Spaces & Logistics.

To submit a request or proposal, please fill out this Request Form. Once we receive your proposal, we’ll review it to ensure it fits our agenda and assign one of our volunteers to act as your contact person or host.




A place like NieuwLand can only exist through the contributions of volunteers and friends, who know of the importance of places like NieuwLand, which exist as an alternative to a capitalist economy, an individualistic society and a gentrifying neighbourhood

You can make donation via THIS LINK (remember to fill in date and name of group in the note) or throught our bank account (NL34TRIO01977884 40 t.n.v. Vereniging Publiekepiet, Amsterdam).

Please consider a small (or large) donation when you participate in an activity or event. There is a donation jar on the bar.

But the best to support us is to keep the space busy with activities you can organise yourself!


You can also donate time or energy. If you would like to help with an activity or if you have an idea to organize something yourself, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Thank you!